Case Study

Harnessing the power of data to create a brighter future for Canadian Dairy Farming

About the client. A leader in Canadian herd management software, our client has revolutionized farm animal production. Founded by farmers, they unified the national dairy industry with a unique global model. Their goal is to expand services and foster growth for dairy producers. In 2020, they joined an international dairy data exchange, collaborating with major milk recording groups to enhance data-driven decision-making. They provide essential insights to over 8,000 clients for informed farming decisions.


Navigating Change in Dairy Farming

Canadian dairy farming stands as a cornerstone of the nation’s agriculture, with its history stretching back centuries and its contributions to the GDP amounting to billions every year. Despite its traditional roots, Canadian dairy farmers today experience the same challenges related to trade, climate, and fluctuating prices. However, the scene is changing as big players are merging, creating mega-farms that are reshaping the industry, a surge in technology adoption, and the necessity for significant capital for both startups and growth. This shift is also sparking a greater demand for a wide range of products and services, while inflation is pushing up expenses and interest rates on loans.

In addition to these challenges, global events have introduced on-going supply chain disruptions and labor shortages. Staying profitable as a dairy farmer has become increasingly complex, too complex to rely on only human intuition for making critical business decisions.

The right or wrong decision, when dealing with such slim profit margins, can have severe consequences, especially for a smaller operation.

To navigate this landscape, data has become essential. The use of data is mandatory for enhancing farm economics, herd health, and productivity and the dairy industry has entered the realm of big data on a global scale. Dairy farms are increasingly deploying technological solutions like sensors and robotic milking systems that integrate with the Internet of Things (IoT), providing continuous streams of valuable data. Unfortunately, the full potential of this data remains largely untapped by most farms, which often lack the resources, technology, and know-how for its use in decision-making across all aspects of the farm.

Real results.

Better decision making enables more profitable herds


Improved cow productivity
through data-driven
herd management


Improved competitivity
across the globe


Our Solutions

Data-Driven dairy herd management
Our client enhances decision-making for dairy farms by gathering and processing herd health and milk data using various methods. Our mandate was to craft a centralized data warehouse for this purpose. Over nearly a decade, we have led over eight significant projects, including Cow Comfort, Box Time, and Fatty Acid Profile, leveraging Business Intelligence (BI) reporting and interactive dashboards and visualization integrated into the customer portal.

This portal ensures farmers are up-to-date on herd health and milk production, empowering them to fine-tune management practices, prevent productivity dips, and sustain economic performance.

In-Depth Insights: Cow Comfort Dashboard
Cow comfort is about ensuring the overall welfare of a cow, addressing both her physical and emotional requirements.

Our Cow Comfort Dashboard is designed to provide clear view of various discomfort indicators in cows which can reveal environmental issues within their living spaces. These indicators include:

  • Injuries – location, severity, and recurrence
  • Rising and lying – frequency, duration, and abnormal movement
  • Rest – amount of time spent standing for no reason
  • Abnormal behavior – deviation from normal standing and resting positions
  • Lameness – painful, debilitating lesions leading to early death or culling

This dashboard allows farmers and animal technicians to track both group trends and individual cow conditions over time. With its detailed and aggregated views, users can access specific health data for individual cows or gain insights into the overall well-being of the herd, enabling proactive management and care.

Cows are very sensitive to negative environmental conditions. The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) provided in this dashboard are essential for pinpointing issues that must be remedied to reduce the stress factors detrimental to cow comfort.

Enhancing cow comfort is vital for boosting milk yield and quality, improving reproductive success, and disease prevention. Cow comfort is not just an economic concern for dairy producers, treating cows with compassion and care is simply the right thing to do.

Box Time Report
We created the Box Time Report, which leverages data from robotic milking systems to monitor key performance indicators like average time per milking, milking efficiency in kilograms of milk per minute, estimated maximum milk and fat yield per robot, and the milk value per cow and per robot in dollars. With these insights, dairy producers can enhance herd productivity by focusing on elevating the performance of their top-producing cows.

Fatty Acid Profile Report
Our client has spent years researching de novo fatty acids, exploring how they affect herd health and contribute to higher butterfat levels in milk, using data from 100 farms in Quebec. The findings showed that herds with elevated de novo fatty acid levels also saw the most substantial profit margins, particularly when considering feed costs.

Leveraging these insights, we created the Milk Fatty Acid Profile Report. This report, generated from bulk tank milk sample data, calculates KPIs highlighted by the research. It offers producers a window into their herd’s health and fatty acid profiles. With this data, producers can strategically enhance their herd’s profitability by boosting overall health and increasing the de novo fatty acid content in the milk, through dietary refinements and herd management practices.


Harnessing the power of data has revolutionized our approach to dairy farming. With sophisticated analytic tools, we ensure every farmer, regardless of size, can make informed decisions that boost productivity and profitability.

Real Results

Empowering Producers for Success
From the start, there has been an unwavering belief in the critical role of data in shaping a flexible and resilient Canadian dairy industry. By combining the strengths and resources of its founders, the initiative has equipped producers of all sizes with sophisticated analytic tools, ensuring equity in the industry and enabling farms to withstand and even thrive amidst challenges through informed decision-making.

We remain committed to strengthening the economic stability of farms, enhancing the quality of farm life, and establishing Canada as a global leader in dairy. As a farmer-run organization, there’s a deep understanding of the challenges contemporary dairy producers face. They serve as a collaborative platform for the exchange of farm management knowledge and expertise, facilitating farmers’ access to scientific research, business and economics, farm management skills, and dairy industry insights. Armed with the transformative tools of knowledge and data, the future of dairy farming in Canada is bright!

What we implemented
